Extended producer responsibility for Packaging in Netherlands
In accordance with the decision of the Secretary of State for Infrastructure and Water Management of September 20, 2021, No. IENW/BSK-2021/242116, new rules for collection and reporting are coming into force in the Netherlands to strengthen recycling efforts and reduce packaging waste.
What the package includes
Products made from various materials, regardless of their composition, that serve purposes such as holding, safeguarding, transporting, delivering, and showcasing goods. These products encompass a wide range, spanning from raw materials to finished goods, and are utilized in the journey from producer to end user or consumer.
Below are some examples:
- composite packaging;
- packaging for beverages;
- constituent packaging components;
- disposable material and technical resources;
- packaging for takeout purposes;
- wrappers or casing for items;
- packaging designed for multiple uses;
- packaging bearing a brand identity;
- distinctive packaging solutions.
Who must register in Netherlands for Packaging
The responsibility system applies to manufacturers and importers who offer goods in packaging within the territory of the Netherlands. This also applies to other market participants who offer products to consumers under their own brand or manufacture packaging and sell it to the end consumer.
If a user sells products on the Dutch market with a volume of more than 50,000 kg of packaging, the company is automatically obliged to register and pay a certain amount to comply with the post-consumer waste management regulations.
However, this threshold does not apply to companies that use single-use plastic (SUP) packaging or deposit packaging such as cans and bottles.
Registration procedure
In order to comply with the newly introduced rules, the following steps must be taken to register
- Go to the Dutch Waste Fund Packaging website (Afvalfonds Verpakkingen);
- Log in or create an account;
- Provide full information about the company;
- Conclude a cooperation agreement;
- Report the number of packaging sold on the market;
- Collect the contribution according to the packaging material;
- Continuation of future cooperation.
Authorized representative
Currently, companies are not required to appoint representatives. However, this requirement may be introduced in the future.
Reporting Deadline
Manufacturers submit an annual report on the implemented production by March 31st each year. Then, based on the provided information, a payment is prepared and sent to the user for payment, with a 30-day allocation for payment.